
Color Recreation: Where Did Our Summer Go?

Eleven weeks ago, summer seemed endless. We packed our minds with so many projects, trips and things to do. My girls felt invencible after finishing school and recharging their batteries for just one day... and so did I. We wouldn't even include the word "resting" in our plans, "exhaustion" or "extreme heat". Nothing would force us to stop and stay indoors. It was summer at last and we had to have fun.

Reality took place and obediently accepted that not because my girls were on vacation, it meant that I was on summer break too or that my husband could just leave work, and take many days off.

Temperatures reached three digits and the outdoors didn't sound so great anymore. Rapidly, the girls switched to the "lazy days of summer" mode. All of a sudden, there was no better plan than laying on the couch, watching a movie, looking at the ceiling, thinking... doing nothing.

We created then, our routine. Somehow, we managed to balance work, vacation and fun at home. Of course, we didn't get to do all of those fantastic projects we had thought of, but we did a lot. Most importantly, we spent time together as a family, in peace, and learned that sometimes "doing nothing" is fine, it's actually good, it's time to bond, to connect, to build that closeness that identifies us as a family.

We're now back from our one-week vacation and as we prepare for the first day of school this coming Monday, we are still indulging with the fresh memories of the final splash, the last sand castle, the unrescued pail, the forgotten ball, the plans left for another summer... But, it's time to pack up and move on... The beach is closed... The school bags need to be filled up.

Where did our summer go??? ...I don't know, but it was truly fun!!

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